Leo E. NdelleOct 17, 20193 min readSPIRITUALITYSpirituality is the realization that the Source of Creation is within you.
Leo E. NdelleAug 30, 20194 min readTHE HUMAN MINDIn English language, everything comes under one banner called “mind.” Intellect and intelligence are two very different aspects of the mind.
Leo E. NdelleAug 7, 20193 min readCREATION AND THE CREATORWhat is creation? Who is the Creator? These are questions this blog addresses using nothing but pure logic and inferences.
Leo E. NdelleJul 22, 20194 min readIDENTITYWho am I? This is the quintessential question of our existence. Read this blog to understand what an identity is and how it is derived.